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In this episode of the Brave New BookShelf, Steph Pajonas and Danica Favorite, discussing their approach to AI in publishing, their workflows with AI tools, and their favorite AI tools. They emphasize the importance of education and respect in conversations about AI.
The Arrival of AI in Creative Spaces
AI is transforming industries across the board, and publishing is no exception. As we dive into this episode, Steph Pajonas, COO and CTO of the Future Fiction Academy, along with Danica Favorite, Community Manager at PublishDrive, share their experiences and the transformative role of AI in their writing and publishing journeys. From drafting novels to marketing, AI’s footprint in the creative process is becoming increasingly prominent, prompting a blend of excitement and caution among authors and industry professionals alike.
AI in Action: Real-World Applications
Throughout the episode, we delve into personal narratives that highlight the nuanced approach to navigating AI in the publishing world. Steph reveals how AI aids in her brainstorming sessions and drafts, allowing her to streamline the creative process while maintaining her unique voice. On the flip side, Danica brings to light her longstanding relationship with AI through dictation tools, emphasizing the efficiency and convenience brought to her writing routine.
Exploring the Ethical Landscape
A significant portion of the discussion revolves around the ethical implications and responsible usage of AI in authorship. Both hosts emphasize the importance of leveraging AI not as a replacement for human creativity but as a complementary tool that enhances productivity and innovation. The dialogue also touches on the cautious optimism surrounding AI, advocating for a balanced perspective that recognizes the potential pitfalls and the need for ethical considerations.
Tools and Tips for Incorporating AI into Authorship
Aspiring and established authors alike will find value in the shared insights on integrating AI into their workflows. From drafting to editing, and marketing, the hosts provide actionable advice on harnessing AI’s power to enhance various aspects of the writing process. Moreover, the episode sheds light on favorite AI tools, offering listeners a guided exploration of technologies that can elevate their creative pursuits.
A Forward-Looking Conversation
Brave New Bookshelf isn’t just a podcast—it’s a community where curious minds gather to explore the evolving landscape of publishing in the AI age. By sharing experiences, challenges, and triumphs, Steph and Danica foster a space for meaningful dialogue and mutual learning. Whether you’re an AI skeptic or enthusiast, this episode arms you with the knowledge and perspectives to navigate the brave new world of AI and authorship confidently.
Closing Thoughts
AI in publishing is more than a trend—it’s a transformative force reshaping how we create, edit, and share stories. As Steph Pajonas and Danica Favorite expertly navigate this topic, they remind us of the power of collaboration, education, and ethical consideration in harnessing AI’s potential. So, join us on this journey, where the future of authorship is not just imagined but actively crafted through the lens of AI.
Full Transcript
[00:00:00] Welcome to Brave New Bookshelf, a podcast that explores the fascinating intersection of AI and authorship. Join hosts, Steph Pajonas and Danica Favorite, as they dive into thought provoking discussions, debunk myths, and highlight the transformative role of AI in the publishing industry.
Steph Pajonas: Hi, everybody. Welcome to the Brave New Bookshelf. We’re back again. This is Steph Pajonas. Once again, I am the COO and CTO of the Future Fiction Academy.
And I’m a Fantasy romance, science fiction romance, cozy mystery author with lots of books out. And my co host is Danica. Danica, hi, it’s good to see you.
Danica Favorite: Hey, how are you? I’m Danica Favorite and I am the Community Manager at PublishDrive. And I am also an author. I am a multi published author, a hybrid author.
So I’m both traditionally and independently published. My books are out with Harlequin Love Inspired and then I have several indie titles as well. We are just here to talk to you [00:01:00] about AI and hopefully give you some perspectives in publishing that perhaps you haven’t thought of and to help educate you as to what AI is, what it isn’t, and how we are using AI in our own personal writing.
Steph Pajonas: Yeah, we’ve been thinking about the kinds of questions we want to ask guests who come onto the show with us. Danica came up with this list of three questions that we thought were great way to lead into talking to our guests. And we figured we, we would answer these questions ourselves today.
And then we can talk back and forth about the kinds of stuff that we’re using AI for.
So I’m going to get started by asking Danica, the very first question on the list. And that is, how are you approaching AI?
Danica Favorite: So I am approaching AI with the attitude that it’s here to stay. It’s not going anywhere.
In fact, I feel like every time I turn around, there’s some new “AI” thing that different [00:02:00] products are coming out with. And so the reality is, is it’s here. And the truth is, I’ve been using AI for a long time without realizing it. I just had a recording from a summit that I was on just go live today and someone messaged me about it saying, wow, yeah, I didn’t even think about that because I dictate my books and I’ve been using Dragon Dictation to transcribe my recordings for years. And guess what that’s AI and we don’t think of it because it wasn’t labeled that and suddenly you slap that AI label and people get scared but I think that we have to approach it with this idea of it’s already here and so I want to learn how to use it to my best ability so that I can maximize my abilities but also so that I’m not afraid of it and that I’m not left behind because I think that’s actually the challenge here with AI is that it isn’t that someone said this in a podcast or something that I was listening [00:03:00] to a long time ago.
And I took this attitude as my own. So I apologize for not properly attributing it, but I can’t remember who it was, is that the thing with AI, Is it a I isn’t going to replace me as a writer that the people what’s going to replace me as a writer are other writers who are good at AI and I want my writing to still be there.
I want to still be functioning and doing well as a writer. And so I want to have all the tools at my disposal and regardless of how they’re used. I want to have them at my disposal, and I also want to use them responsibly and ethically. That, that, that’s how I’m approaching AI. How about you, Steph? How are you approaching AI?
Steph Pajonas: I’m approaching AI the same as you, it’s here to stay. I see it in almost every sector of business. businesses now. I’m seeing it in, marketing sector, I’m seeing in the medical sector, I’m seeing it, oh, in banking and insurance, it’s just [00:04:00] everywhere.
So at this point, when I see a technology like this, that is so pervasive, and is not going away, but is in fact being adopted by so many others, I realized that that’s a good time for me to look at how it could impact my own business which is publishing and authorship. So now that it’s everywhere it’s a really good time for me to approach it in a way that’s that’s curious and excited, but also cautious, right?
It’s really important for me to know all the pros and cons. And at this point, a lot of the pros are outweighing the cons for me. So the way that I’m using it in my business is to test it out and figure out the places where I think it works best. I feel that approach is going to be different for every person that every person is going to figure out where AI fits into their business, whether it does at all or it does a lot.
I want to know and understand [00:05:00] all the different places that it can be in a business, that way that I can go ahead and maybe counsel or help somebody else add it to their business as well. Because in a lot of ways, I’m still very much an educator and a teacher because of the work that I do at the Future Fiction Academy, so I want to make sure that I’m well aware of all the places that it can be used and then be able to help authors put it into their business in the way that they feel the most comfortable. I’m approaching it, excited, but cautiously.
It is everywhere, right?
Danica Favorite: I love that you said that excited but cautiously because I do have that same approach. Again, I think this is why we work so well together I am excited and I see all the potentials, but I’m absolutely cautious about it. And I do think that you have to approach it with a mindset of really studying it and checking it out and making sure it works.
Like just the other day, I was scrolling through the Internet. And I was looking at sites because I was looking up some tax information. And there [00:06:00] are all these new tax programs that claim that they are going to be able to do this and this and this on your taxes for you. And I’m like, no, I don’t believe you because I know enough about AI and AI tools that I would be concerned about those answers being wrong.
And, that’s me coming from that place of my education, and that tool might work just fine, by the way. I actually don’t even remember the tool’s name, but that development team may have figured that out, but my experience with AI says they haven’t figured it out now.
Again, that’s where that caution comes in, because I think that people will hear about, oh, this tool can do this, this, and this, and this. And I will tell you, no, it can’t. And, how about not yet? Because I think they’re approaching it, but not yet. And so I love that we are both really taking that time to become educated because I think that is what this community needs.
That’s why we’re doing the podcast is we’re educating ourselves, but we do want to educate the community and we want authors [00:07:00] to understand the pros and cons because even though I think you and I would both describe ourselves as pro AI, there are cons. There are pitfalls. And we also need to have some intelligent conversation about that.
So that’s where I’m coming from as well. I love that’s where you are. So let’s go to the second question. What does your workflow with AI look like? How are you using this? in your workflow.
Steph Pajonas: I, I think I’m using it in pretty much every part of my workflow at this point. Mainly because I wanted to experiment with it, see where it worked really well and see the places where it’s not doing such a great job. So I should probably, shore up that area of my process with something else.
I use AI in my brainstorming and planning process. I’ve always been a pantser, a discovery writer I’m not very good at the whole like planning process. I’m usually I get like a thought in my head or character starts talking to me in my head.
And then I [00:08:00] think, I should start writing this, right? I’ll get it down and just start writing. And then I end up writing myself into corners and then can’t get back out. So I’ve started using it in the brainstorming process and the outlining process just to get me some solid bones on the page, understand my story and where it’s going before I start writing. So I don’t write myself into so many corners.
I use it for helping me with world building. I use it for helping build my characters, just like little things, like I usually have an idea of what I want and I just want to bulk it up a little bit, get some more details in there. And then I use it to help me even draft my prose.
I don’t really, I don’t really love that whole first draft process. I only hear from a very few amount of people who really love that first draft process. They love the words just flowing from their fingers, and they’re having the best time, and that’s their favorite part of the process. And so I hear that from some people, and I’m like, oh my god, that’s totally not me. I find the first [00:09:00] draft to be completely oh, It’s like soul damaging at some point, right?
I really love the editing process. I use it to help me get through that first draft. And sometimes even if it’s only just putting a few words on the page, if it gets me going, then that’s great, because then I don’t have to agonize over every single word on the page.
The place I use it the least is in the editing phase. I really love editing. I love like the Chicago Manual of Style. I love editing in so many ways. I feel like a lot of the a lot of the magic comes out of a story when it’s in the editing process. I might ask it to help me rephrase the sentence. Maybe, give me some other words, like a thesaurus would. So it’s very minimal in the editing process, and it’s very minimal in the proofreading process because I found out that it is a terrible proofreader. I’ve done experiments with it, changing homophones taking out syntax and grammar and I make those changes myself, give it the work, and I say, give me a proofreading summary and analysis, and it can’t find most of the [00:10:00] errors that I’ve introduced.
And then once the book is published, I use it for marketing and advertising. That’s probably the place I use it the most because it’s a really great way for me to help come up with book blurbs and Facebook ads and blog posts and all of these things that are ancillary to the book but are really important.
And so I try to use it in every step of the process and see where I like it the most. And then I use it in the places that I feel it shines for me.
Okay, so what about you, Danica? Where do you use AI in your process?
Danica Favorite: Like I said, I’ve been using it for a really long time without having that AI label because I do dictate my books.
And for me, what I have found as the tools have advanced I actually this computer computer, I really love you and I’m trying to say positive things about you and give you positive affirmations, but let’s be honest, you’ve been sent back to Dell seven times because you don’t act properly with [00:11:00] that little affirmation to my computer.
Let me just say that I have not reinstalled the Dragon on this version of returning from Dell because what I’m finding is actually the other AI tools are much better. I just posted about this in the AI for Authors group today.
So I have this lovely little Google Pixel phone. This is exclusive to Google and the Pixel phone specifically. But they have an app called Recorder. And I can dictate directly into this app, no special microphone, no special anything. I was walking yesterday on a busy street with like loud trucks and everything dictating into my phone just to test it.
And I came back, it automatically transcribes it for you, and it was next to perfect transcription. I was blown away. And yes, I’m going to have to clean it up because I do a lot of verbal pauses. As I’m thinking through an idea, I have a really long pause. And so it puts a period because it thinks I’m done. So those things I still have to clean up, but guess what? [00:12:00] I pop it into chat GPT and Chat GPT cleans it right up for me. When I was first dictating that cleanup process took me forever. And now I’m doing it in just a few minutes, which is fantastic.
But going back to what you were saying about the writing, I do really love the writing process. So I love sitting with my little dictation device, whatever I’m dictating into the time and just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. My story, blah, blah, blah. I could do that for hours. And I love that.
Steph Pajonas: I’m a little jealous. I’m a little jealous.
Danica Favorite: I know, but see, I’m really jealous of your editing. I am a terrible editor and I am frankly by the time I have spewed out the story. I’m bored with it. I don’t want to edit it. I don’t want to go back and do it. And so yeah, I have tried like using AI tools to help me write the book and I’m just not ever satisfied with it.
And, and part of it is, I’ll be honest, I haven’t taken the time that you have to really learn how to make it work for me, but I’ll do the same thing if I’m like, okay, I don’t know what happens next. I can [00:13:00] pop it into AI and say, hey, give me a list of five different things that could happen next because I really do want that control.
And so I’m like, okay, cool. Oh, I don’t like any of those five things. But aha, it sparked an idea. And boom, here’s where I can go from there. So that’s where I find it really useful in my process.
And so then when it comes to editing. I’ve been a longtime user of Grammarly. I stick it in Grammarly. Fortunately, I write pretty clean to begin with. Usually a pass through Grammarly is pretty darn good for me and what my editing needs are. What I will say about Grammarly, because I have been called out by some copy editors on this, is that Grammarly’s not always right. I now have this mental list of things that I know Grammarly is going to ask me to change and I just say no Grammarly, stop it.
The other thing, and this happened to me on copy edits where I did not understand what the copy editor wanted me to do. And I’m like, what the heck? And so I asked AI, I was like, [00:14:00] okay, here’s the passage. Here’s what I’m being asked to do. What do you think is going on here? And. It came back with some ideas and then I was able to go back to my manuscript and make changes based on, okay, now it’s giving me ideas of what I need to do.
Or I’m really great at repetition. Part of it is I actually like repetition. So some of that is my choice, but some of it, to be fair, I probably do it a little too much. I can say, here’s some repetitive things that I say a lot. What are some alternative ways I can say that? It’s like a more advanced thesaurus in a way is how I’ve often described it.
Steph Pajonas: I’m same, same. I like to use it for thesaurus. Give me more ideas about how I can say this one thing, so it’s definitely helpful there.
Danica Favorite: Yeah one of the things I’d love for to get better at is names, because I suck at naming characters. I, back here I’ve got three or four baby books, and I really struggle finding a good name. If you ask AI to give you names, they give you the same [00:15:00] names over and over, and I wish they would train it on some baby books, that would be awesome.
Steph Pajonas: So the same town names too, right?
Danica Favorite: And it’s really annoying because I had a town called Willow Creek prior to all of this, and then I had to change the town name because I’m like, Nope, everyone’s going to think it was written by AI just because it’s Willow Creek, and to all of you authors who legitimately wrote Willow Creek, it’s okay, I feel you.
And I do think that’s something we should be mindful of is that I’ve read a lot of articles of ooh, using this word is a tell of AI use. No, it’s not because a lot of us use those words. A lot of us use those phrases. Like I said, I had a Willow Creek prior to AI. Really like when you’re looking at judging someone based on something in their book don’t assume it’s AI because you can’t.
Soapbox, but wanted to get that out.
Steph Pajonas: I think that’s a legitimate soapbox for me.
Danica Favorite: And then the last part, which you were talking about was like the whole marketing and all of that. Absolutely. I use [00:16:00] AI for marketing. And again, before AI became the big buzzword in the writing community, in social media, all of that stuff, I was using an AI tool for my day job.
And we were using it for marketing. We were using it to come up with marketing ideas. PublishDrive is working on AI marketing tools because we’re writers. We’re not marketers. And I know some people do both very well b ecause some of them have that as their day job. But things like keywords and metadata. That’s hard to come up with. And like blurb writing. I paid this woman, by the way, she’s not in business anymore. I’m very upset by that, but I paid her a hundred dollars a blurb to write blurbs for me because I’m terrible at it. And so AI can now do that for me, which is also great.
And writing blog posts I like to write the posts myself, but then AI can give me other ideas, writing tweets, coming up with social media content. All of that kind of stuff, AI can do that, and, why [00:17:00] use my brain power, which is limited on something like that. Instead let AI do that. I can do the rest.
The other thing we didn’t talk about as part of the workflow. And I know you do some AI stuff with this is AI images.
Steph Pajonas: Oh, yes.
Danica Favorite: And I’m not an artist. I’m not a graphic designer. And to be fair, I have not yet done any covers or anything recently. But I have a whole cover series I need to redo.
And actually start but one of the things that’s been really great is I’ve been using AI tools for inspiration for that so that when I do sit down with the graphic designer I will spend hours upon hours upon hours Googling man with dark hair and woman sitting on a bench in the sunset. Blah, blah, blah, and trying to find images to send to the designer to say, this is what I want. And it’s hard to find those good images. And I’m actually really excited because the [00:18:00] next time I go through this process, when I’m giving those ideas to the graphic designer, I can say, hey, here are a bunch of images that I got from AI that really feel what I’m wanting in this cover. Can we go somewhere with that? And so I’m excited about that.
Steph Pajonas: I use Midjourney mostly for a lot of my images for blog posts, for Facebook ads. I did re do a whole series of covers with Midjourney. See I’ve been working with Photoshop since like 1997. 98. And at the time it was like Photoshop 2. 0 and you couldn’t do anything with the layers. Like you couldn’t even move them around or copy and paste out of them. It was very bare bones. So I’ve been doing lots of graphic design work for, over 25 years at this point. And I wouldn’t say my skills are fantastic or anything, but I do have a good sense of, style and I understand the book ratio dimensions and everything like that. I also have a [00:19:00] designer that I work with. I send her some of my AI imagery as inspiration for her to use to design the book cover. I don’t think she’s using any AI at this point. So it’s just there for inspiration.
I have a really good friend who used AI to come up with some really like fantastical imagery that she gave to an illustrator. And then the illustrator used that to inspire her drawings for a book cover as well. So it can be in a lot of parts of the process. It doesn’t have to replace a designer. It can be enhancing in the, the process.
I’ve I actually spent this whole last week in Midjourney prompting and prompting and prompting and getting images for thumbnails. I’m redoing about 40 to 50 YouTube thumbnails for the Future Fiction Academy account.
And so it’s been a lot of fun because I came up with a style and I’m repeating the style with different imagery for the YouTube thumbnails. And this is just something I wouldn’t have been able to do with stock. It’s just not available, but [00:20:00] I can do that with Midjourney.
Danica Favorite: I love that because I knew you had been playing around with it as well. I think it’s really a great option that we have, because it’s just giving more options for people. One of the things that I’m seeing in some of the. Other groups is from authors of color who really struggled to find good representation. They’re able to get that using AI imagery. So I’m very excited that there’s some possibilities there.
I know there’s some things to be cautious about, but it’s a learning process. And I think we just keep working through that and figure out what’s going to work and what’s going to work for these different processes. Which brings me to question number three.
What is your favorite AI tool?
Steph Pajonas: Goodness, this is probably the hardest question to answer. I’ll detail some of the ones that I use the most. Because know which ones work best for me. So I don’t necessarily use the Chat GPT, the front end of GPT.
I use a backend through their [00:21:00] API. I use that mostly for brainstorming and marketing work and summarization. I use for a lot of things like that. There’s a lot that I’m doing when it comes to the work I’m doing between being an author and then also being an educator at Future Fiction Academy.
I use Claude mainly for creative work. Claude is from Anthropic. He’s great at creative writing, especially. I feel like it’s been tuned to that the most. And so I probably use Claude the most and I really enjoy using that tool for imagery.
And my favorite tool is definitely Midjourney. And I’ve used a few of the other ones too, but I feel like the style and the aesthetic that I can get out of Midjourney gels with me and my tastes when it comes to that sort of thing.
And then for editing I use ProWritingAid which also uses AI now. They have a tool that you can highlight a sentence and have it rephrase. And that’s using GPT, I think, on the backend. So I would say my top tools are definitely like OpenAI’s GPT and Claude and then Midjourney for images [00:22:00] So what about you? What are your, what’s your favorite tool?
Danica Favorite: I like how you separated that out. And also I do want to give you the opportunity because I know with Future Fiction Academy, you guys have a really great tool called Rexy. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about Rexy just so that people can get familiar with it because I’m sure we will refer to Rexy quite a bit and I’m just wanting to make sure that people know what that tool is because obviously lots of Rexy love here.
Steph Pajonas: Yeah, so love Rexy. I didn’t mention it because it’s more of a wrapper. It’s like a prompting tool. It gives me the ability to prompt many different AIs. So I can prompt OpenAI GPT. I can prompt Anthropic Claude. I can prompt a lot of open source models through a tool called Open Router, and that gives me access to open source models that allow for not safe for work content. Writers write, sex and violence which becomes very hard to prompt when some of these bigger tools like OpenAI and Claude have guardrails that prevent that sort of thing.
So [00:23:00] I get access to those as well through Rexy. Rexy is a prompting tool. It gives me access to a library of prompts that we’ve developed. I can prompt directly to the API access for each one of these tools. And then the response comes back and gets written to Notion, which is another tool that I use a lot.
And there’s AI as well in Notion now. So I also use that there. So I feel like. AI is just everywhere at this point, right?
But Rexy is great because It gives me a chance to make a workflow. I sign in, I prompt it for a bunch of stuff that I’m working on, it all gets written to Notion, and then when I’ve got all of my responses, I can sit down and edit them. Work on them, get them where they need to be. Rexy gives me the ability to go in and do big batch loads of stuff, which you’re not privy to that kind of power horse working with something like Chat GPT. So it was one of the reasons why I do love Rexy and I [00:24:00] use it all the time.
But it’s more of a proxy tool for lots of AIs, which is why I didn’t mention it to begin with.
Danica Favorite: Okay, cool. Yeah, I just, I wanted to give that opportunity, but also because I do think that people think that Rexy is just like ChatGPT . So I really was glad to have you do that explanation.
So for me I use Chat GPT for pretty much everything, pretty much every day.
It’s really amazing. Hey, I need help with this. I need help with that. So I, I love ChatGPT for pretty much everything and I like it. Especially because someone who is just starting out, I think it’s a really good basic starter tool.
It’s actually funny because I do have access to the back end, like you were saying, and I always forget to go there. It’s a good reminder. Sometimes I could go there too.
The other thing I am just going to mention my new favorite tool the recorder thing on my Google pixel phone.
Because for someone like me who loves to dictate books, I’m just blown away. I have all the things I want to do with it now. But prior to that, what I [00:25:00] do want to say for people who dictate because I think the challenge has been with me for dictating for years is so many people get mad because Dragon for Mac is not fabulous.
Steph Pajonas: And I don’t think it’s not even around anymore. Didn’t they kill it off a few years ago?
Danica Favorite: Yeah. Yeah. I think they killed it off even. And so people who use Macs always what can I do? So Word itself has a dictation feature in it and it’s actually pretty good. And it’s got a transcription feature as well. So you can put your files directly into Word and it will transcribe. You can dictate all of that. I think the temptation for me with all of these different AI tools is that FOMO and wanting to have them all and you don’t have to have them all. You can start with what you’re doing.
For editing, I’m a Grammarly user, but I, also have ProWritingAid. And now that you’ve mentioned it, I’ve noticed a couple people are saying they’re liking ProWritingAid better than Grammarly. So I think I am going to [00:26:00] play around with it because I do own both.
I really try to stick to the basics. I do own some of the other programs and I’ve used them and they’re fine. I’m sure we’ll probably have people with those programs on at some point, so I won’t necessarily mention them because also I’ll probably forget one.
I think that even with the basics, you can do a lot of the things without having to have all the bells and whistles. And so don’t be afraid that you have to have All The Things and play with All The Toys because this isn’t going to necessarily be a significant investment unless you want it to be.
Steph Pajonas: Yeah, I tell people all the time to try each one of them, give it a shot, see what you like and what you don’t like, and then just stick to the things that you like. It doesn’t have to be a FOMO situation, you’re afraid of missing out on that awesome new AI tool that’s out there, but you can just find the things that work for you and your process and then just stick with those things. If you’ve got a little bit of extra time, sometimes you do want to play around with [00:27:00] them, then I’m sure there are a million tools out there that you can go ahead and play with but it’s not necessary.
It’s not even necessary to even use more than one. There are a lot of people who are getting the job done and they’re very, very happy with just one tool. It’s not really necessary to try them all.
Danica Favorite: Honestly, I think sometimes playing with new AI tools is my new favorite procrastination method. And so it’s okay to start simple and figure out what your process is.
And don’t worry about all the fancy, pretty shiny stuff, because let’s be honest, half these tools aren’t going to be around a year from now anyway. And the tools are just getting better and better. Once you find something that works, like ChatGPT isn’t going anywhere. Focus on the ones that are the primary ones in the stable. The one tool I will mention that I’m going to give more consideration to is Google’s Gemini and the reason that I’m going to explore more of that and try more is I’m so impressed [00:28:00] with what it’s doing with my phone that I feel like they have the technology down. So let me play some more with it. One of the things I do is if I Google something on my phone, it already gives me an AI summary of the results. It’ll say here is information about blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then here are the sources, so you can go read it for yourself, but this is the summary of the source.
And I’m going to be very honest, those source summaries it’s giving me are really, really good. And if I can figure out how to channel that technology into my fiction writing. To get summaries for my books and stuff, it’s gonna blow every other tool that we are trying and using right now out of the water because it is that good of a summary that I’m getting just from it, searching the web and bringing me back articles.
Steph Pajonas: I’ve heard the same thing from other authors about the summary capabilities of Gemini. They’ve been putting their book in and asking for story blueprints, [00:29:00] summaries of the chapters, helping them build blurbs.
I’ve heard it it’s really good for all these kinds of things. And I think it has staying power because just this past week Apple and Google are going to be coming to an alliance to bring Google’s AI to the iPhone and all of their products, because Apple’s been lagging a little bit behind, they haven’t developed their own LLM yet, and Apple and Google have often been in bed together. Google is the default on the Safari browser.
I feel like the two together, they have a lot of staying power. I think it’s going to do really well. I need to sit down with Gemini and determine what are the things that it’s best at so that I can move it into my process because I agree with you.
Danica Favorite: Yeah, I just I found two really great use cases for it already, where it’s blowing every other tool out of the water. So I’m like, okay, let’s play with this. And you did mention getting the story summaries. And this is one of the things that I forgot when we were talking about our workflow and [00:30:00] tools. I have yet to find the perfect tool but hope springs eternal and these tools are improving every day. But really liking it for the idea of creating story Bibles because I just went through my book list the other day and I’m like, Oh, I wrote that. Huh.
That’s pretty cool. So I would really love to have some story Bibles and the times I’ve tried to hire it out. Number one, the person did a terrible job and number two, it was like, so cost prohibitive to do it on any other books. I was just like, yeah, I’m just giving up on this idea. So thank you AI for helping out with that as well.
Steph Pajonas: I’ve been there. I write in a lot of series, so sometimes I’ll be like, okay, I’m ready to write. book number five in the series. I don’t remember what happened in book four. Oh, no.
Danica Favorite: Exactly.
Steph Pajonas: This is a great time for me to plop that book into maybe Google Gemini, maybe Claude and ask for some summaries and some scene briefs about what happened so that I can just quickly [00:31:00] refamiliarize myself with my project. Before I started writing the next book.
Danica Favorite: Exactly. Yeah, I am excited and hopefully in the future, you and I can both come on and say, Hey, look, we’ve been playing with Gemini and here’s what we’re coming up with, because like I said, I’ve been very impressed with other, things that have Gemini on the back end.
So I think we’re going to see some good things from that to come.
Steph Pajonas: I’m excited too. Yes. Yes. Lots of great things coming down the pipe. So we’ll be lots to look forward to.
Danica Favorite: Yes. So speaking of good things to come. Maybe we can tell them a little bit about what we’re looking forward to. We’re going to start having some really great guests.
You can expect them to answer the three questions that we just answered, as well as just talking about some of their experience with AI. And please feel free to leave comments or send us messages too. If you’re like, Hey, those three questions are great. But what we really want to know is X, tell us that because the whole [00:32:00] purpose for Steph and I to be on here.
Is that we really do want people to come away with a good working knowledge of AI. And whether that’s okay, cool, I’m going to put this in my process. Or yeah, no, it’s still not for me. But at least they’ve got that information and they understand what it is. Like I said I know the people who are like, yeah, AI is not for me.
I hate to break it to you. But. It’s being incorporated into everything right now. And at least when you’re saying, it’s not for me, you can pick and choose the pieces that you want to use or that you enjoy using. And so you can say, this piece isn’t for me, but this piece is actually going to work for me.
And, and that’s okay too. And you might be like, woohoo, I’m doing it all. There’s room for everyone here. We just ask that comments and conversations be kind and respectful because we believe that there’s room for everyone [00:33:00] and we want everyone to feel safe and respected as they come to these conversations.
Steph Pajonas: Yeah, we believe in information and education is the way to go forward with this, so we’re here to answer questions especially, so if you think of anything that we’re missing or something you’d really like to know about, definitely leave us a comment because we’re interested to hear from you. For sure.
Okay, so this was a great conversation. I’m glad that we answered all three questions. I learned a little bit about Danica and her process, especially the dictation, because that’s really cool. And hopefully you guys learned a little bit about what I’m using it for as well. So I think we’re going to sign off here, and we’re going to be coming back with some great stuff in the next couple of podcasts, stay tuned.
Okay, Danica.. I will see you later.
Danica Favorite: All right. Bye. Bye everybody.
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